Elvis.EXE/Round 2: Electric Boogaloo


This is the official sequel to- *BOOM!* This is not your story, JC-the-Hyena. This is the sequel to- yeah, nobody really cares, just enjoy. Also, let me know if you catch any pop-culture refernces!
- The Author

The Prologue

So, it's been, like, over a year since the "Sonic.exe" murders (which is something straight out of the plot of a mediocre Creepypasta) started. No one really knew what was going on with these murders. Were they even murders to begin with? Anyway, I digress. One of the detectives that came close to uncovering the truth was named Barry Zeinfoil, and he is *SPOILER ALERT* not dead, because that would be a horrible plot twist. He lent us his diary so that we can see what he saw.

January 1st, 2011

So, my name is Barry Zeinfoil, an obvious parody of Jerry Seinfield. Its New Years Day, as well as my birthday. This is as great as when my sister gave Super Mario Galaxy as a birthday gift. So, the reason why I am writing this divides into two, actually. One is so that this could be a journal-style Trollpasta posted on the actual Wiki: and two, to follow up on the Trollpasta: Elvis.EXE. So, I hope to continue.

March 10th, 2011

We just got word of a murder happening in the Colorado town of South Park. I, along with two other detectives (Derek Greene and xxLADTRONICxx), were sent to the victims house to investigate. I will record more here when something interesting has happened.

= Also on March 10th, 2011 =

We couldn't believe what we saw. The kid was named Kyle. He wore an orange coat and a green hat. His entrails were ripped out, and were right next to him. Derek Greene, xxLADTRONICxx, and I all puked when we saw those. There didn't seem to be any signs of struggle. His computer was all busted, but further analysis shows that there are files in his computer for a program called "Sonic.exe." The memories came back. Although my sister, Susie, and I were Mario fans, we didn't mind other franchises. This included Sonic the Hedgehog. Kyle's parents are clearly distraught about what happened to their son. Derek and I are gonna try and comfort them, and figure what they can do.

April Fools Day, 2011

Another murder occurred. At first, we thought it was a twisted prank, because you know, it was April Fools Day, and everyone at the police department was pulling a prank on each other. But no, it was a legitimate murder. It was a gray cat named Tom, who was actually a close friend of Kyle. His neighbor, a beige mouse named Jerry, told us that in his last hours, Tom posted his experience with the game (Sonic.exe) on the Creepypasta Wiki, which was later moved to the Trollpasta Wiki, due to its mediocrity. Anyway, the scene was similar to that of Kyle, entrails, busted computer, etc. But this time, he had a "2" carved into his chest, instead of a "1" like Kyle. Is the murderer keeping track of how many people he has killed? Not only that, but he seemingly hung himself. Did he try to commit suicide?

July 4th, 2011

We took a break from the investigation to celebrate the Fourth of July. While Derek and I were glad to take a small break and celebrate America's birthday, xxLADTRONICxx (Yes, he is a Chadtronic parody) was bitter, not only at us, for taking a break (he even called us "f00king a**holes" (yes, I censored his dialogue. YouTube hates hearing these bad words!)), but he was also bitter that we are celebrating the birthday of a country who's government did awful stuff ("Oh, so nothing new!" I replied. "Shut the f00k up!" He said.). Well, Derek and I will try to get over that.

Halloween, 2011

Another murder happened. It happened today on Halloween, so we of course thought it was a joke, because you know, no one kills on Halloween! But of course, it happened. The guy's name was Elvis Smith. From what I have investigated, he had his own diary in the drawer. He apparently used to work for this group called... "The Cult of X?" Is that right? Because it sounds like a rushed group in a rushed Creepypasta. Anyway, I digress. It seems that this X guy wanted him to give copies of the Sonic.exe game. But as time went on, he felt remorse, so he told X he hated him, and ran. The scene of the crime actually has signs of struggle, meaning that Elvis did not go down without a fight. He had a shotgun with some shells on the floor next to him, in addition to the entrails. He, of course, had a "3" carved into his chest. He actually still had the CD he played on. We took the shotgun, the corpse, the disc, etc.

November 11th, 2011 (The day Skyrim came out)

I went to my local Walmart to buy Skyrim right after I ate breakfast. I lived near a Gamestop, but there are too many Gamestops in the world of Creepypastas. Anyway, I bought the game, and played it. It was pretty good so far! I invited Derek and xxLADTRONICxx to try it out each, but while Derek really liked it, xxLADTRONICxx thought it was decent. I can understand why, what with all the technical issues.

December 13th, 2011

Why is this trollpasta uploaded as an unfinished one, only to later add parts that should have been there in the first place? Is the Author that lazy? Anyway, I digress. It's Friday... yup, Friday the 13th. Hopefully I don't get killed! Heh. Sorry.
So, my sister has been acting a little... off lately. She hasn't been eating much, and is almost always in her room. I may need to look into this.

Christmas, 2011

(''Note: This page is covered with tears...)''
She died. Why did it have to be on Christmas? In fact, why didn't she get proper character development!!!?!?!?!!!!

December 26th, 2011

I went to the morgue to do an autopsy of my sister. She is ''technically ''still alive. And I say ''technically,'' because she doesn't have her soul inside of her.